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    bushworlda主页 >> 文章 >> mbt >> 浏览信息《The various historic methods of sepulture》

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    星期四   晴天 
    主题 The various historic methods of sepulture

    The little tractates called Ilydriotaphia or Urn Burial, and The Garden of Cyrus contain, the first but some half-hundred, the other some hundred small pages; but between them they show the quintessence of MBT Shoes Browne's thought, and the palmary examples of his style. The first is perhaps the ^^ Burial chief instance of his melancholy, meditative, yet pious and not unhopeful mysticism, the second of his mysticism fantastic. Hydriotaphia, MBT starting from the fact of the discovery of some sepulchral urns in Norfolk, considers first, in a sweeping yet punctilious generalisation, the various historic methods of sepulture, or rather disposal of the dead. Then it passes to the vibram fivefingers sepulchral antiquities of Britain, and thence to urns and their contents, with some considerations on the relative durability of different parts of the human body.


    A chapter on funeral ceremonials, beliefs in immortality or annihilation and the like follows, and leads up to the ever-memorable finale, beginning, "Now since vibram five fingers these dead bones," which Easy Tone has rung in the ears of some eight generations as the very and unsurpassable Dead March of English Prose. Every word of this chapter is memorable, and almost every word abides in the memory by dint of Browne's marmoreal phrase, his great and grave meaning, and the wonderful clangour and MBT Shoes echo of his word-music. "Time, which antiquates antiquities," will have some difficulty in destroying this. And through all the chapter his style, like his theme, rises, till after a wonderful burst of mysticism, we are left with such a dying close as never had been heard in English before, "ready to be anything in MBT the ecstasy of being ever, and as content with six foot as with the moles of Adrianus."
    bushworlda 发表于:2010/5/6 16:57:02